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in: Featured, Outfit Guide, Style, Video

• Last updated: June 9, 2021

How to Build a Minimal Wardrobe [VIDEO]

Having a minimal wardrobe means different things to different people. Some might say you should only have something like 3 black turtlenecks and two pairs of jeans. To me, having a minimal wardrobe means just having those clothes that 1) you really like, 2) you actually wear, and 3) work with different pieces to create many different outfits.You ultimately don’t need a ton of clothes to dress sharp. In fact, with just a few basics, you can create an extremely versatile wardrobe. In this video I take you into my closet and show you how I use just a few items to create a bunch of different getups. For more info on building a versatile and interchangeable wardrobe see Antonio’s article on the topic.

Phil Post

Submitted by: Phil Post in Alcoa, Tennessee, United States