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in: Facial Hair, Featured, Style

• Last updated: June 9, 2021

DIY Holiday Beard Oil: 5 Recipes to Festive-ize Your Face

Diy festive holiday beard oil recipes cinnamon apple.

Just as the hair on your head needs some care and attention, so does the hair on your face. Beard oils are a great way to condition your facial hair, moisturize the skin underneath, and reduce the frizz so you stay looking burly yet well-kempt.

But beard oils are expensive, running upwards of $10 for just an ounce or two. Enter homemade beard oils. The start-up costs are a little expensive, largely due to the spendy essential oils they require, but they’ll go a long ways.

While the possibilities for beard oil creations are endless, with the holiday season upon us, why not try out some recipes that evoke the scents of yuletide? Infuse the season’s greetings right into your beard hair! I tested out numerous combinations of oils to find just the right holiday blends.

Since you only use a few drops at a time, those little 1oz bottles of essential oils last forever, and you’ll have a hard time getting through them yourself. Why not turn some of it into gifts and spread the holiday joy by putting bottles of your homemade concoction in all the stockings of your bearded brethren? You can even give them to your clean-shaven pals, as beard oil doubles as a refreshing, moisturizing aftershave.

Before you get started, you should read up on my primer on homemade beard oils. It walks you through carrier oils (the base of your creations) and essential oils. The gist is simple, though: pour 1oz of carrier oil (I used almond oil for all of these because that’s what I had on hand) into a small bottle, drop in your essential oils, shake up the bottle, and you’re set. It’s truly one of the easiest DIY gifts you can wrangle up this holiday season.


Winter Cocktail Beard Oil

Putting alcohol into your beard will dry your hair and skin out, so you don’t want to douse your chin sweater with booze directly. Instead, apply this moisturizing beard oil with a scent inspired by wintry, tasty alcoholic concoctions. The orange and vanilla mimic the sweetness of the alcohol, the cinnamon gives it a cider-y edge, and the sandalwood is just a great masculine scent that has a little bit of sweetness to it to give this blend an almost whiskey-like smell.

  • 1oz carrier oil of choice
  • 2 drops cinnamon cassia
  • 10 drops sandalwood
  • 3 drops orange
  • 2 drops vanilla

Christmas Tree Beard Oil

This scent is earthy, but with a touch of minty freshness as well. This may be my personal favorite.

  • 1oz carrier oil of choice
  • 7 drops cedarwood
  • 7 drops sandalwood
  • 3 drops tea tree

Candy Cane Beard Oil

This is sweet smelling, and sweet feeling. Your loved ones will be nuzzling up to your face all the day long, thinking you’ve been rubbing candy canes on your cheeks.

  • 1oz carrier oil of choice
  • 10 drops peppermint
  • 2 drops orange
  • 2 drops cinnamon

Deep in the Wood Beard Oil

This bad boy is deeply earthy, with just a hint of sweetness. It’s probably the most polarizing. You’ll either love it or think it smells a little too much like a forest.

  • 1oz carrier oil of choice
  • 15 drops cedarwood
  • 6 drops vanilla

Holiday Cheer Beard Oil

This oil doesn’t necessarily have an overarching theme like the others, but it smells dang pleasant. The aromas combine to create a joyful and festive scent that is sure to win everyone over.

  • 1oz carrier oil of choice
  • 10 drops sandalwood
  • 5 drops tea tree
  • 2 drops orange

Use these recipes as jumping off points to create your own holiday-themed beard oil recipes, and dispense them freely to your friends and family alike!


Submitted by: Hayden in Pullman, WA, USA