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in: Clothing, Featured, Style, Visual Guides

• Last updated: June 9, 2021

How to Take Care of a Suit (And Make It Last)

How to take care of a suit comic guide.

A suit is one of the most expensive clothing items, or just items, period, you’ll ever buy. As such, it should be thought of as an investment — something to proactively extend the life and value of. Though the lifespan of a suit varies according to how well it’s made and how often it’s worn, with proper care, a quality suit can generally last for years, and even decades. Treat your suit well, and you’re more likely to tire of it, or have its style go out of fashion (even the look of the most “classic” suits vary over time), than you are to have it wear out. 

That kind of care doesn’t have to be onerous or time-consuming: with a couple clicks to buy some nicer hangers, and 60 seconds of brushing and proper hanging when you take it off, you can keep your suit looking sharp, make it last as long as possible, and save yourself a good amount of money in the long run. 

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Illustrated by Ted Slampyak


Submitted by: Richard in Gloucester, VA