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in: Accessories, Featured, Style, Visual Guides

• Last updated: June 9, 2021

How to Rock a Pocket Square: An Illustrated Guide

Pocket square tips how to fold a pocket square illustration.

The pocket square is a small accessory that, when added to a get-up, allows men to express themselves and vary their look without having to buy a whole bunch of different suits. It lends your suit jacket a bit of finished panache and can add a bit of interest to your appearance without it looking like you’re trying too hard. This illustrated guide covers everything you need to know to rock a pocket square with style.

How to rock a pocket square

Pocket square guidelines

1. Don’t leave your suit naked.

A suit without a pocket square lacks finished panache. So always wear one when you don a suit or sport coat.

2. Color coordination.

Your pocket square color should complement some color on your tie, but avoid matching the colors exactly.

3. The go-to

A white pocket square can be worn with any color tie, making the white handkerchief an essential part of every man’s collection.

How to fold a pocket square

The straight fold

1. Lay your pocket square flat and bring the left side to the right side.

2. Bring the bottom towards the top but don’t fold it all the way.

3. Fold the fabric in thirds horizontally so that it will fit your suit pocket.

The one corner fold

1. Lay pocket square flat like a baseball diamond. Bring bottom point to top point to create a triangle.

2. Bring the left corner of the triangle toward the right corner, and the right corner to the fold you just created.

3. Fold the bottom toward the top, but not all the way.

The two-peak fold

1. Like the one corner, only you bring bottom point slightly to side of top, so two pearls are made.

2. Bring the left corner of the triangle toward the right corner, and the right corner to the fold you just created.

3. Fold the bottom toward the top, but not all the way.

The puff fold

1. Lay the pocket square flat, and pinch the middle of the fabric, allowing the folds to come in naturally.

2. Hold the middle of the pocket square between your thumb and index fingers.

3. Now gracefully gather up the bottom of the pocket square.

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Illustrated by Ted Slampyak

Alexandre de Verteuil

Submitted by: Alexandre de Verteuil in Montreal, Quebec, Canada