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in: Manly Know-How, Skills

• Last updated: June 5, 2021

How to Unclog a Toilet Like a Plumber: An Illustrated Guide

How to unclog a toilet all steps in a diagram illustration.

Toilet clogs come in a couple varieties. Sometimes kids take toys and other household items for a dip in the porcelain pool. Oftentimes, though, it’s the adult members of the household who clog the loo with deposits of organic matter.

Either way, these blockages put your commode out of commission and can also wreak havoc if overflowing water begins to spill into your bathroom. Learn to stop the chaos and fix the situation with a few handy tips and tricks of the trade. Start with a plunger, add in a secret concoction, and deal the final blow with an auger if necessary, and you’ll be able to mount your ivory throne once more.

Check out our complete guide to how to unclog a toilet

1: Stop the bowl from filling further by removing the top of the tank and pressing the flapper down.

2: Warm up your plunger by running it under hot water for a minute.

3: Press the plunger into the bottom of the bowl, taking care to ensure a tight seal is formed.

4: Push the plunger in and then release, allowing it to pop back out. Make sure the tight seal is maintained during both directions of movements.

5: Plumber tip: Aid breakup of blockages by mixing hot water with dish soap. Pour mixture into the toilet and let it sit for a few minutes before plunging again.

6: Use an auger to break up particularly difficult clogs. Insert the auger into the bowl’s drain until you feel resistance. Use the handle to rotate it until blockage is broken up.

Like this illustrated guide? Then you’re going to love our book The Illustrated Art of Manliness! Pick up a copy on Amazon.

Illustration by Ted Slampyak


Submitted by: Jeremy in Middletown, NY