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in: Featured, How To, Skills, Visual Guides

• Last updated: June 2, 2021

How to Wrap a Gift: An Illustrated Guide

How to wrap holiday birthday gift present illustration.

While wrapping gifts seem to come naturally for the fairer sex, gentlemen have seemingly been struggling with the task for millennia. The paper gets scrunched, there’s tape everywhere, and the end result is hardly aesthetically pleasing. Sure, what’s inside the wrapping matters most, but a nice exterior adds to the present hefting and unwrapping experience.

With this guide, no longer need your refrain be: “At least I tried!” Now your gifts will be expertly wrapped and presented, and you’ll be able to display your handiwork with pride. Christmas is just a couple days away; better get to it!

  1. Place gift in a rectangular box. This makes it far easier to wrap than oddly-shaped items.
  2. Measure amount of paper needed. Place gift on paper, wrap loose end up and over, and make cut.
  3. Place gift face down and centered on the paper. Bring first edge up and tape in place onto box, then bring other side up and tape in place.
  4. Fold the sides in against the edges of the box, and crease the diagonal flaps you’ve created.
  5. Fold top edge down, and tape to box. Then fold bottom edge up, and tape.
  6. Add gift tag, bow, and ribbon to really class up your Christmas gift and impress your recipients.

Like this illustrated guide? Then you’re going to love our book The Illustrated Art of Manliness! Pick up a copy on Amazon.

Illustrated by Ted Slampyak

Scott Coe

Submitted by: Scott Coe in West Sussex, UK