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18 Things Every Man Should Do This Summer

Man smiling with girl at beach illustration.

With our archives now 3,500+ articles deep, we’ve decided to republish a classic piece each Sunday to help our newer readers discover some of the best, evergreen gems from the past. This article was originally published in June 2014.

Summertime is here and we couldn’t be happier. As author Benjamin Alire Sáenz put it, summertime is a “book of hope,” filled with the promise of freedom, adventure, and dreamy idleness. It’s a time for sloughing off the heaviness of winter and soaking in the hot, rejuvenating sun.

It’s also a time for diving into certain pastimes and rituals. Seasonal traditions provide a natural rhythm and change to life that’s often missing in our modern world of fluorescent-lit, temperature-controlled sameness.

Below we offer 18 suggestions on things to do to make the most out of the season of summer and inject more of its mirth and charm back into your life. Do them all by Labor Day and you’ll have created enough hazy memories to keep you warm the next winter through.


Vintage man lying on hammock illustration.

Vintage couple eating watermelon illustration.

Vintage men paddle a canoe in river.

Vintage boys standing around fireworks shop.

Vintage father and son mowing in the lawn.

Vintage father and son going for fishing.

Boy looking at stars in night time illustration.

Vintage men drinking water from hose.

Vintage couple sitting in car and watch movie.

Vintage men taking dip in a swimming hole.

Father and son reading book at outside illustration.

Need an idea on what to read? Check out our book lists!

Vintage men seeing postcard in valley.

Vintage small boy peeing at outside with family picture.

Vintage men diving into river from dock.


Submitted by: mike in colorado