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in: Featured, Leisure, Living

• Last updated: June 4, 2021

17 Things to Do on Sunday Besides Surfing the Internet

Things to do on Sunday besides surfing the internet.

Sundays can sometimes be a little lonely, gloomy, and boring — to drag on and spur melancholic rumination. This is especially true when the weather is cold and dreary. And even more true when you’re in college; you’re far from home and there’s not a lot going on. Surfing the net to pass the time is always an option, but it gets old; you come to a point where you really feel like you’ve reached the end of the web. It doesn’t do anything for your mood either.

Below you’ll find 17 alternative activities that’ll help you escape the Sunday doldrums and put you in a great frame of mind for the week to come.

Man eating large stack of pancakes.

Man sitting on bed and reading newspaper.

Man walking on path wearing a long coat.

Vintage family sitting in church pew singing hymn illustration.

Men cleaning apartment sweeping vacuuming.

Man lying in bed writing in journal.

Vintage man napping on couch.

Vintage young man on telephone.

Vintage couple taking a drive in winter, road trip illustration.

Vintage men sitting at table shirtless writing letters.

Vintage men sitting around table playing poker.

Man sitting in windowsill reading & smoking pipe illustration.

Vintage college men in dorm room shining shoes.

Vintage party having friends over for dinner illustration.

Vintage friends sitting around playing guitar.

Vintage man sitting at desk writing on papers.

Vintage man shoveling sidewalk on snowy day.


Steve Fisher

Submitted by: Steve Fisher in Salmon, ID