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in: Featured, Food & Drink, Living

• Last updated: June 4, 2021

The Best Way To Reheat Pizza

Fat sully's pepperoni pizza placed in a box.

Pizza has long been one of man’s best friends. Crispy, cheesy, melty, meaty — it’s a winning proposition all around. One of the beauties of pizza is how well it makes multiple meals. The ginormous 20-inch NY-style pepperoni pizza above (from the stupendous Fat Sully’s here in Denver) provided 5 delicious meals over the course of 4 days. How many other foods can do that for ya?

The real problem (if you can really call it a problem) is figuring out the best way to eat it after Day 1. There are of course those that believe that reheating pizza in any fashion constitutes true sacrilege — that one should always eat their leftovers cold. Certainly, cold pizza can be a delicious and easy option.

But sometimes you want something warm in your belly and wish to bring back the original flavors and get the hot grease flowing again. How should you go about doing so? Do you pop it in the microwave? Throw it on the grill? Luckily for you, we decided to test out the best ways to reheat your pizza. Our findings may surprise you (as they did me), and may in fact lead to a slice of pie that was even better than the original.

In the name of science!


Ryan Cathey

Submitted by: Ryan Cathey in Los Angeles, CA