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in: Food & Drink, Living

• Last updated: June 4, 2021

AoM Month of Sandwiches Day #16: Great-Grandpa’s Salami Sandwich

Salami sandwich with olives cheese tomato.

Welcome to Day #16 of the AoM sandwich project. Last month we asked readers for their best sandwich recommendations. Out of 483 submissions, we picked 20 to highlight here on the site each weekday during the month of April. At the end, we’ll publish all the entries into an epic man-sandwich cookbook. Enjoy.

Today’s Sandwich: Great-Grandpa’s Salami Sandwich by Big Bad Moose

Today we get back to the basics with this fried salami sandwich submission from a reader who goes by Big Bad Moose. The simplicity of this submission is what drew me to it. Let’s see how it tastes.


Vintage rye bread, butter, salami Ingredients.

  • Rye bread
  • Butter
  • Salami (the thickness of half a deck of cards)
  • Provolone cheese
  • Mayo
  • Hot mustard or dijon
  • Sliced black olives
  • A thin slice of tomato

Step 1: Butter Bread

Vintage butter bread in a plate.

Step 2: Fry Salami

Vintage fry salami in pan.

Step 3: Layer Salami

Vintage fry salami on bread illustration.

Step 4: Layer Cheese

Vintage layer cheese on a plate.

Step 5: Add Tomato

Vintage tomato and layer cheese illustration.

Step 6: Spread Generous Helping of Mayo and Add Mustard

Vintage bread and mustard mayo on a plate.

I forgot to add the mustard.

Step 7: Add Sliced Olives and Black Pepper

Vintage sliced olives and black pepper on plate.

Finished Product

Vintage served sandwich over a plate.

Taster’s Notes

Vintage tasting sandwich illustration.

Big Bad Moose’s great-grandpa sure did create a winner. This was a solid sandwich. One thing I’ve learned from this month of sandwich tasting is that frying deli meats kicks up the tastiness level another notch. The heat from the fried salami gave the provolone cheese just the right amount of melt. Kate tried this sandwich grilled with pumpernickel instead of rye and mustard without mayo and reported that it was also delicious.

Cameron Phillips

Submitted by: Cameron Phillips in Woburn