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in: Featured, Homeownership, Lifestyle, Visual Guides

• Last updated: June 2, 2021

How to Get a Bird Out of Your House

Illustration of getting birds out of the house.

A return to warmer temperatures means a lot of us are cracking open our windows and letting fresh air into our homes. But, that refreshing breeze is also an easy way for unwanted critters to come inside. If you don’t have screens on your windows or doors, you should expect a few flies and mosquitoes to share your living space. What you might not expect is a bird to get turned around and turn your kitchen into an aviary.

It’s not uncommon for a bird to end up inside a house (or even workplace), which usually propels us to think of a variety of creative ways to get it out. The problem is that birds are exceedingly delicate. Shooing them with a broom or trying to catch them with your old fishing net can quickly cause significant harm to our feathered friends. Luckily, there’s an easy to way to encourage them back outside that’s safe for them, and easy for you.

1: Clear the room of all pets that may make the bird more nervous.

2: Seal the space by closing all the doors to other rooms.

3: Open the largest window or door in the room the bird is occupying.

4: Keep all other doors and windows in the room closed, and shut your blinds or curtains.

5: Shut off all lights in the room, so your open window/door is a beacon of light.

6: Hold a large sheet with your arms outstretched and guide the bird toward the open window or door.

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Illustrated by Ted Slampyak

Trevor Bradford

Submitted by: Trevor Bradford in Honolulu, HI, USA