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in: Best Of, Lifestyle

• Last updated: June 5, 2021

The Best of Art of Manliness: August 2009

I can’t believe summer is almost over. It went by fast. Thankfully, for the first time in 21 years I won’t be going back to school this fall. It feels sort of weird. Anyway, August was a great month at the Art of Manliness. Lots of great comments in the posts and lots of manly activity in the Community. Thanks again for all your help in making the Art of Manliness a success.

Here are the top 5 most popular posts in August:

13 (More) of the Worst Products For Men

Brewing the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Being Decisive

How to Apologize Like a Man

Old School Workout: Daily Exercises for Young Men from 1883

The Community

The blog isn’t the only part of the Art of Manliness site. If you’d like to connect with other men who are interested in rediscovering the lost art of manliness, make sure to join the Community. We have over 4,200 registered members from all over the world. In the Community, you can share manly pics, write a blog post about a manly skill, or take part in one of the hundreds of discussions going on.

Art of Manliness T-shirts

Show off your Art of Manliness pride with one of our manly t-shirts.

The 30 Days E-book

If you missed our 30 Days to a Better Man program back in June, you can download it in a nicely formatted PDF eBook for only $5. The book is over 90 pages long and crammed with tips and motivation to help you become a better man in just a month. Click here to download it.


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Art of Manliness is a completely bootstrapped operation. If you appreciate the quality, free content we put out, please share AoM with other people. Use the share button at the bottom of every post to share AoM articles on popular social media sites, email stories you like to your friends, or just bring us up in your daily conversations. And join the new Evangelists of Manliness group in the Community to learn about more ways to help. We appreciate the love.

Jason Rhodes

Submitted by: Jason Rhodes in Zephyrhills, FL, USA