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in: Best Of, Lifestyle

• Last updated: June 5, 2021

Best of Art of Manliness 2020

The next person who uses the word “unprecedented” and says something like, “Man, 2020 was such a crazy year,” ought to be hit in the head with a frying pan.

But man, it was a crazy a year, wasn’t it?

Despite all the goings-on of 2020, here at AoM we kept doing exactly what we’ve been doing since 2008, which is creating totally free, high-quality, evergreen content that aims to inform, entertain, and inspire. We published hundreds of new articles and podcast episodes this year, and below we highlight that which proved most popular with the masses, as well as the content that was nearest and dearest to our own hearts. Plus, we offer an update on the action-arm of AoM: The Strenuous Life.


Most Popular Articles of the Year Based on Traffic

Our Personal Picks

(Some of the most popular above would be included in this list as well):

Sunday Firesides Favorites


Most Popular Podcasts of the Year Based on Listens

Our Personal Picks 

If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Art of Manliness podcast. It’s a great way to get your AoM fix while commuting or working out:

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Also, we’d really appreciate if you’d give the podcast a review in iTunes or Stitcher. It’s a big help in getting more people to discover the show!

The Strenuous Life

Poster of The Strenuous Life.

The Strenuous Life is our online/offline program designed to help men take what they read and listen to on the Art of Manliness and put it into real, concrete action. TSL is now almost 8,000 members strong, and while this unprecedented (thunk!) year added extra strenuosity to the task of living strenuously, members admirably adapted and overcame, finding ways to continue to build their skills, strength, and friendships with each other.

The next enrollment for The Strenuous Life will begin next week. Enrollments fill fast, so be sure to sign up to be the first to know when it opens
