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• Last updated: May 31, 2021

Podcast #177: Homemade Muscle & Bodyweight Training

I’m a barbell guy, but I certainly understand the appeal of bodyweight training — it’s free, you can do it anywhere, and there’s a focus on “functional movement.” The problem I’ve run into with articles on the web about bodyweight training is that very little is ever written about programming and progression. Whenever I’ve done bodyweight routines, I always felt fuzzy about what I should be doing in order to progress and get stronger.

Well, I came across a book about bodyweight training that provides some amazing programming similar to what you’ll find with barbell training. It’s called Homemade Muscle: All You Need Is a Pull-Up BarToday on the show I talk to the author of the book, Anthony Arvanitakis, about the nitty gritty of bodyweight training. We also discuss the life changing accident Anthony experienced in his 20s that cost him his leg, but helped him discover his passion for bodyweight exercises.

Show Highlights

  • The night Anthony was catapulted several feet into the air when he was hit by a car while delivering pizzas
  • Anthony’s five year battle to save his leg and the physical, mental, and emotional toll it had on him
  • How deciding to amputate his leg was one of the best decisions he ever made
  • How bodyweight training prepared him for the surgery
  • How he continued bodyweight training after the surgery and turned it into a program that others could use
  • The benefits of bodyweight training
  • The downsides of bodyweight training
  • The main bodyweight exercises in Anthony’s programming
  • A beginner’s bodyweight training program
  • Why pistol squats are overrated
  • And much more!

Book cover, homemade muscle by Anthony arvanitakis.

If you’ve been looking for something more systematic with your bodyweight training, I highly recommend picking up a copy of Homemade MuscleNot only will you get to read about Anthony’s amazing personal story, but you’ll leave with a detailed strength program that you can start following yourself. (Also, if you’re looking for a pull-up bar for your bodyweight routine, I recommend the Iron Gym doorframe pull-bar. It’s what I use.) Also be sure to check out Anthony’s website, Homemade Muscle for videos and more content about bodyweight training.

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Brett McKay: Brett McKay here and welcome to another edition of the Art of Manliness Podcast. I’m the barbell guy. That’s what I do for my strength training but I know a lot of you who are listening, love body weight training, body weight exercises. I understand the appeal. I appreciate it. What I love about body weight training is that you can do it anywhere. You can do it from your house, so it’s convenient. It saves you money because you don’t have to pay for a gym membership or a lot of equipment, so I definitely get the appeal. There’s also that functional aspect of it, how the body is suppose to move right. Pull ups and push ups and et cetera. The problem I’ve had with body weight training, because I’ve tried it a few times is I’ve never been able to find good programming for it. Particularly online. It’s just a lot of it is just do as many push ups as you can, do as many air squats as you can, et cetera, et cetera. There’s really no progression.

Well I came across this book, Homemade Muscle. The guy who wrote it his name is Anthony Arvanitakis. He has laid out programming that has periodization built in, that uses body weight training, so you have consistent progression with the training. It uses the same principals that you find in the barbell world. I love how detailed he gets with it. Not only does his programming aspect impress me about Anthony, but he’s got an amazing story. When he was in his twenties, he was in a terrible accident. It ended up costing him his leg. He found body weight training, or used body weight training to get stronger not only physically but also emotionally, mentally, spiritually. To over come this huge setback in his life. We’re going to talk about that story in the podcast as well as get into the nitty gritty of body weight training. If this something that you’ve been interested in and you want to do or you do body weight exercises and you’re trying to figure out a way to get some sort of programming in it so it’s more systematic, you’re going to love this podcast.

Without further ado, Anthony Arvanitakis and Homemade Muscle. Anthony Arvanitakis, welcome to the show.

Anthony: Yes, thank you very much Brett. It’s an honor being on your show.

Brett McKay: You wrote a book, called Homemade Muscle. It’s all about body weight training, which I think is going to interest a lot of our podcast listeners. Before we get to that, let’s talk about how you developed this program. How you got into body weight training because it’s an incredible story. It all started several years ago with a life changing accident that happened in Greece, where you’re from.

Anthony: Yes.

Brett McKay: Can you tell us about that accident? What happened that changed your life?

Anthony: Sure. I’m twenty three years old. I’m studying in Greece. I’m studying in a sports science University in Fecsalonici and during that time I’m also working as a pizza delivery guy. Make some extra bucks aside one night I just crossing this road and suddenly I crash with this really big jeep. I just start flying into thin air and from what I was told, I flew in the air for about twenty five meters. I think that’s something like seventy feet, I think. I end up on the pavement. Before I ended up on the pavement, the fun thing is that time really goes slow in this situations. So time goes really slow. I have this really weird feeling of lack of weight, of feeling myself.

I land on the ground. I don’t feel any pain at first, you know because of the whole hormonal response of your body. Adrenaline and this and that. I lift my head, I look downwards and I see that my ankle is basically laying on my knee. I’m wearing jeans so I can’t see any blood or any trauma. I realize that that’s not a good sign. I freak out a little bit. I don’t feel any pain. I’m like, “What the hell is happening?” After a few, I would say half a minute, I don’t know, the pain comes in. I feel this really fiery burning feeling through my leg. After that people came around. I wait for the ambulance. It took me to the hospital where I stayed for six weeks. I had seven operations during those first six weeks. They were basically trying to reconstruct my leg which was severely broken, smashed a lot of skin missing, so a lot of plastic surgery. A lot of surgery in general. That summarizes the accident. I don’t know if you want to learn more.

Brett McKay: That was the accident which is traumatic, but it seems like the really hard part emotionally, mentally, was after the accident for the next few years. Tell us about the, I didn’t know about this device that they put on your leg. I didn’t know this existed. Part of the reconstruction process, they had to affix a device around your leg. Can you tell us a little bit about that? What effect did it have on your life?

Anthony: What happened after the accident was that I was told I would have to basically not walk on my leg for a year. For me that was quite traumatic because I was always use to exercising in my life. I was always a big fan of, I was a rower, I was a caraway kayaker, I grew up doing sports so that was really frightening for me. They had these devices that you set on my leg which were cold external, fixators and what they do basically is they put pins through your leg. The pins go in your leg and out of your leg so you basically have open little wounds. The reason they do this is because these pins are attached to a grate or metallic device that keeps the bones steady and it allows it to heal but also because I was missing six centimeters, two and a half inches of bone. This also helps regenerate bone tissue and lengthen the leg. Every time the bone heals a little bit, the device pulls the bone away and it creates more calcium between the wound. That helps elongate the leg.

Anyway, I had all kinds of weird operations. Like, they took bone marrow from my hip and put it in my leg to help speed the recovery which didn’t work. I had a lot of plastic surgeries. I had in total, thirteen surgeries over the next five years. That one year basically ended up becoming five years because the healing wasn’t progressing as fast as they thought. That was the hard part. The waiting and never having any progress. Having your doctors telling you that, “Okay, you have to wait another three months.” Those three months become a half a year. I’m twenty three years old, all my friends are moving on with their lives. They’re finishing their studies, they’re finding jobs and I’m basically doing nothing.

Of course, I ended up really depressed. It was a really dark time for me. Those five years were probably the darkest time I’ll ever have in my life.

Brett McKay: Because you were just basically bed bound. You just had to sit up, lay down all day and that was it.

Anthony: I was basically either recovering from a surgery or waiting for a new one. I couldn’t do a lot.

Brett McKay: Right, and you ended up moving from Greece to the Netherlands. To continue, and see if you could actually improve this.

Anthony: I came to the Netherlands for a second try but they did their best here. Really good doctors but we couldn’t actually fix the leg. At some point, I took the decision. I told my doctors that, “I want my leg amputated. I want a prosthetic leg, so I can move on with my life.” You know, for me continuing my life with a cane and not being able to do basically anything of the things I like to do, wasn’t an option that seemed functional for me.

Brett McKay: Tell us about that. At what point, it seems like when you made that decision to amputate your leg, which is a really big decision right? I mean you’re losing a part of yourself. Seems like that was the point where body weight training came into play and it kind of prepared you for your amputation. Can you tell us a little bit about that?

Anthony: Yeah, so the moment I took the decision to have my leg amputated, first of all I started meditating at that time. I’ve never meditated in my life and that helped me a lot to deal with all my emotions. After I got my mind a little bit settled down, I started training again, because I thought, I have to train in order to be prepared for this surgery. I had six months to prepare for the surgery and I though, well hell I will get in the best shape of my life. Prepare my body and prepare my mind so I can go through this last surgery as prepared as I can be. At that point, the gym was far away from me, I didn’t have any mode of transportation. I realized that I should find a solution to train at home.

I basically started doing some pull ups on this door frame. I didn’t even have a pull up bar. I had a long cast on my leg but I still hopped around on my good leg and just started doing some pull ups on the door frame. After that I started adding some push ups, I started adding some ab exercises. All that combined with nutrition and meditation every day to keep my mind healthy as well, led to for me, a really remarkable transformation. I went from completely depressed and unhealthy, I had lost all my muscle that I had prior to my accident. I wasn’t in shape, I was pretty unhealthy. I wasn’t eating healthy anymore.

Within a few months I basically got into great shape. My body started looking really good again and I started feeling amazing. I never expect that I’d feel so good again in my life. For me that was remarkable. I couldn’t believe that I was feeling so good again. All that helped me go through the amputation really comfortable. It was basically the easiest operation I had. Because of course it was also a permanent solution, finally. Due to all my positive habits. Due to that mind set, I was building for six months, through meditation, through nutrition and through exercise, the operation was remarkably easy. I didn’t expect it to be that easy.

Brett McKay: What insights, what was it like after you amputated your leg? That’s a big deal, you lose part of you. What insights about life did you get from that experience? Was there anything that surprised you about amputating your leg that you thought, “I wasn’t expecting to feel that.” Or have that emotional response. Tell me a little bit about that.

Anthony: Well when people ask me nowadays about this. My response is that losing a leg was basically the best thing that happened to me because it changed me complete a person and it changed me towards the good. There’s a lot of psychological studies on this. On how people deal with trauma and there seems that there is truth in that old saying that, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” It’s not in old people with but people deal problems like that, tend to do that. For me it changed everything. For example, prior to my accident, I was generally a really negative person, low self esteem. I never had self belief. I never took care of my mind. I was always training all my life and avoiding emotions and people through exercise. Whenever I got frustrated I just went and run like fifteen kilometers and that tends to calm you down for a little bit but it basically masks the problem. You don’t deal with it.

I discovered that after spending five years in bed, that we have to also train our mind. Training your body is really good, really important but you also have to train your mind. For example prior to my accident I was a person that never read any books. I probably read maybe five books outside school. Now I’m a person who reads a book a week. For me that’s remarkable. If I told my old self that, I wouldn’t believe it. Through my accident I basically realized that there’s no such thing, or at least there are very few things one can’t get over. One of my favorite authors, Robert Green, calls it “The ultimate outcome in life. Transforming bad stuff into good.” Once you realize that losing a leg is something you can deal with and it’s not that difficult to overcome, it spreads into your life and becomes a mindset. It turned into a game for me.

Every time something bad happened after that I always thought, “How can I use this?” How can I turn it into something good. Eventually me losing my leg turned into me creating my fitness project and motivating people all around the world, which is pretty awesome. Today it’s my passion, it’s my work. It’s something that makes me want to wake up in the morning. You don’t have to always react negatively to problems because if you look hard enough, you’ll always find an opportunity behind them. That’s my mindset in life and it seems to be working every time nowadays.

Brett McKay: After your amputation, I imagine you continued the body weight training. At what point did you decide, this is something I could do for a living or I could share it with other people? How body training can be an effective way to get stronger and more physically fit.

Anthony: When I realized that I can get in really great shape without even going to the gym, just training at home, I thought of making a video about my transformation and all that on YouTube and see if people like it. People liked it. It got shared from some popular guys online. That’s when I realized, this is pretty cool, all the feedback I’m getting from people saying that they got motivated by my story. That it made their day. That it helped them emotionally. That’s when I realized that this is really awesome and I should do something more with it. I started my website, the YouTube channel. I continued making videos and then I realized that I should write a book about all this. I wrote my book and it did pretty well. People seemed to like it a lot. That’s when I realized that this is my personal calling in life.

Brett McKay: This is great. We’ve talked about your back story of how you came to this point. Where you were showing others how to do used body weight training for strength programming. Let’s get into the nitty gritty of body weight training. This is interesting because I’m a barbell guy. I love barbells. What I loved about your book is that compared to a lot of other body weight books or articles that I’ve read. There’s some programming. There’s a method to the madness. I feel like with a lot of body weight training it’s just like, “You wake up and do twenty five push ups and then do twenty five air squats, and pull ups.” I just feel like there’s no progression with it. Before we get into the programming of body weight training. Let’s talk about what are the benefits of body weight training and I know your a body weight training guy but I’m curious if you think there are any down sides to it as well.

Anthony: The thing that you said. Let’s start with the benefits. First of all it’s functional. I mean how much functional does it get than body weight exercise, because you’re learning to use your body in all kinds of different exercises. One of the typical reasons that old people’s health declines is after falling. When old people fall and break a bone or something, their health tends to decline a lot. That’s how my grandfather died. He was this extremely healthy guy and he broke his leg and after that, his health just started decreasing downhill and I lost him. I realized that building your strength through body weight exercise helps you build not only strength but your strength in symmetry with your balance. It helps you master your own body.

It increases your kinestetic awareness which is basically your bodies knowledge of your surroundings through receptors you have in your joints muscles and skins. It also works your muscles in symmetry with your connective tissue. You can’t overload your muscles without loading the connective tissues. Tendon trauma doesn’t occur as much. Injuries in the tendons which is pretty often the case, doesn’t occur as much. It’s a safer way to train. It can be done everywhere which means that for me, in the long term, it’s a more functional way of training in life in general.

With the gym you always need a place to go but with body weight exercise, doesn’t matter. Wherever you are, you can always keep getting stronger.

Brett McKay: And it’s free.

Anthony: And it’s free. That’s one of the main reasons I got into it but then I realized all these other benefits.

Brett McKay: Any downsides to it? It sounds like it’s awesome but are there any things that, it’s body weight training is limited in?

Anthony: The one thing I would say, for me it’s not a limit but for some people it might be. It’s that it’s a little bit more difficult to build a lot of bulk in your legs. If you’re looking to build really bulky legs, I’m pretty honest, it’s not easy to do it with body weight exercises. That’s why I use weighted sandbags for example. And I do weighted lunges. I would say that barbell squats is one of the elements missing in body weight exercise. If you can combine barbell squats with upper body body weight exercises, I don’t see there’s no limit after that. You can become extremely strong and be the strongest you ever was.

Brett McKay: What are some of the mistakes? A lot of people like the idea of body weight exercises. I like the idea of body weight training. There’s a lot of content online about body weight training. What are some of the biggest mistakes that people make when they start a body weight strength program?

Anthony: Number one is what you said basically. There’s no programming, so people just go wherever they go to train and they just keep on banging exercises and reps and sets without any programming. In the long term, that’s one thing I do and the more time goes, the more I develop my own programming. I basically use a lot of … I studied sports science and my basis comes from strength training. Everything applied in strength training and barbells can be applied in body weight exercise if we learn to adapt a few things. Programming is number one.

Number two is, people usually do too much reps. Let’s say you can do twenty five push ups. If you keep on adding reps after that, some people do fifty, some people even do a hundred push ups. It’s not going to build a lot of strength after a certain point. Just like every kind of strength training, you have to work in that spectrum of strength which is I would say between one and twenty to fifteen, it depends with the exercise. You have to stick to lower rep ranges. The way you do that with body weight exercise is you adapt the exercises. After push ups you can learn to do one armed push ups. Which might sound difficult for some people but I never thought I would be able to do one armed push ups and I managed to do them in a few months with the appropriate progressions. I can even do one armed pull ups nowadays which I never thought in my life I would be able to do. Learning to progress the exercises in order to keep the reps low is another key element.

Brett McKay: This sounds like this is how you increase intensity with body weight training. That’s the question I’ve always had is, “Okay great I can do twenty five push ups.” Well with barbell training you can add more weight or more intensity just by throwing more plates on the barbell. I guess the way you increase the intensity with body weight training is modifying the exercise?

Anthony: Yeah, modifying the exercise. The angle, you can put your legs higher but another very important aspect I have been studying a lot and I have been talking a lot about in my channel lately, is the appropriate mind to muscle connection. What I realized after a certain point is that a lot of people keep on banging reps without focusing on the muscle tension. You can do a lot of reps if your form is a little bit bad and if your not training with awareness. If you learn to manipulate mind to muscle connection, it’s crazy how much more difficult you can make an exercise. I wrote a book a few weeks ago on how to do push ups with the right mind to muscle connection like so many people mailed me back that I was never feeling any difference in my strength for push ups. Suddenly I’m doing half the reps I could do but I’m gaining more muscle. Mind to muscle connection is extremely important and it’s something I’m talking a lot about lately in my YouTube channel. I’ve seen incredible increases not only in my physique, but also in my strength from using this.

Brett McKay: Let’s talk about the main exercises in body weight training. There’s a ton of them out there. You can find just a bunch. You just focus on just a few of them. What are the main exercises in your body weight training program?

Anthony: My main exercises are. That’s another typical mistake. People try to find all those secret kind of variations for this muscle and that muscle. When is essence it’s pretty simple. You have to pull and push on a vertical angle. That means you have to do hands and push ups and pull ups. Hanson pull ups for example are pretty difficult but there are also progressions for that. You have to pull and push in a horizontal angle. That means doing inverted rows and push ups. And you have to squat of course. I do single legged squats. I do weighted lunges with a sandbag on my shoulder. You have to do some kind of exercise for your core. Ideally an exercise that uses your core as a total. For example I do a lot of rotational training now days with an elastic bands. You can also do leg raises which is another great exercise for the abs. Those are the basic exercises people should focus on. If you focus on just keeping on getting stronger on those basic exercises. That’s when you’ll see the most results.

Brett McKay: It sounds very similar to a barbell programming. There’s a push pull.

Anthony: Exactly. I’ve stolen my philosophy from people like from the barbell world. Because it works pretty well in body weight exercise as well.

Brett McKay: That’s awesome. Let’s talk about body weight training program for beginners. What does that look like. How many days is a beginner going to work out? I think a lot of times when people imagine body wight exercises it’s like something you do every day. It seems like that’s not what you’re advocating. You’re actually saying you want rest periods in between. Let’s lay out a beginner programming for a body weight training. How many days they’re working out. What kind of set scheme, rep scheme are they doing?

Anthony: Ideally I like to start beginners with training three times a week. A typical mistake beginners do is they train like in the bodybuilding type of training. They do one day they do chest, the other day they do back. Which doesn’t work at all with body weight exercises. What I advocate is full body workouts, three times a week. Hitting all those major muscle groups and doing all those basic exercises. With beginners I will start them always with pull ups, push ups, leg raises, leg squats, single leg squats, and that’s basically it in the beginning. I need people to get stronger at pull ups and push ups. If you’re not good at those, there’s no way you’ll progress to other stuff later on.

After that I’ll add some dips. I’ll start adding some pike push ups which are a progression for the Hansen push up. Slowly we’ll build it up where it’s up to the exercises we were talking about previously. If you’re hitting these exercises hard, you do need a resting day. Especially if you are a beginner. Also if you are a beginner you don’t need that extreme amount of training volume. If you focus on all the stuff I just said, it’s going to be enough to get stronger.

Brett McKay: I’m guessing it’s possible to over train with body weight training.

Anthony: Of course.

Brett McKay: If you’re just cranking out reps all the time. You’re trying to do a hundred push ups a day. I imagine there’s ways to deload with body weight training. That happens in barbell training. You get to a point where there’s so much fatigue in your body that you can’t adapt and recover so you back off and lower weight and lower volume. Is there something similar in your body weight training programming?

Anthony: Yes. That’s something I also do. Basically, if you’re training properly, if you have a good program and you are pushing yourself. You are going to need a de load week. If you’re training for months or how long your training and your never feel tired, that means you’re not actually pushing yourself hard enough. If you push yourself hard enough, your going to need delaod weeks. The way I do that is I simply decrease the training volume. I do less sets and I also decrease the reps. If you were doing ten reps the previous week, take it a little bit easier. Do about eight reps. That’s twenty percent less. Those de load weeks are essential for giving your neuromuscular system a break.

It’s not only your muscles that gets hard its also those connections that your body always uses through, from your mind to your muscles. In general you need a break. You need to reduce stuff. Taking a whole week off is always bad for me because you’ll going to lose strength so deload weeks are great. In a way they are sort of sling shotting you towards more strength in the next week, if you learn to apply them correctly.

Brett McKay: This is great. I love this. In your book, people can check it out and they can see the very specific programming. If your interested in this stuff, I highly recommend you go get the book. Really great stuff. You mentioned earlier one of the benefits of body weight training is that there’s fewer injuries than other types of training, but injuries can happen. What are the most common ones you see during body weight training?

Anthony: The most common ones I would say are wrist pain because you are using a lot of hyper extension in the wrist. That tends to take a toll on your body. The way I deal with that is I have a lot of conditioning exercises. I do wrist push ups. Which is basically doing push ups on the opposite side of your palm on the wrist. I have some progressions of that on my YouTube channel. Those seem to really work good for strengthening the wrist. Using your knuckles for example instead of doing push ups on your hands. Changing little stuff like that always helps. Of course taking it easier for a little while.

Other problems are elbow pain that occur. Usually from chin ups because if you go all the way down in chin ups, that creates a lot of torsion in your elbow and in your wrists. That’s not a comfortable position anatomically for your upper body. Re fasted would be don’t completely lock your elbows when your doing chin ups. You can unlock if your doing pull ups but with chin ups always keep a little bit of a bent elbow.

Other problems then are knees and back. This is something I researched a lot the last year. I realized that pistol squats which I was doing. I do have videos on my channel. I was also include them in my older books and stuff. I realized that pistol squats tend to create problems for a lot of people. They’re kind of the holy grail in body weight exercise when it comes to leg training, but after a lot of research I realized they do cause problems in most people. Problems in the back specifically and problems in the knees. That is why I nowadays only do weighted lunges.

Brett McKay: Can you explain what a pistol squat is? For those who aren’t familiar with it.

Anthony: Basically, a pistol squat is a squat on one leg from a standing position you go all the way down on one leg and go all the way up.

Brett McKay: The leg you’re not using, shoots out in front of you so you look like a pistol. That’s why it’s called a pistol squat.

Anthony: Yes.

Brett McKay: It’s really hard to do and it’s really uncomfortable. I don’t like doing them. I can only do one. That’s it.

Anthony: You’re not the only one.

Brett McKay: It’s so hard to do. Maybe avoid those because they can cause stress on your knees and back. Besides the body weight exercise like the pull ups, the push ups, you advocate some other things to help with your development of strength and fitness. Like for example, mobility training. What sort’s of things do you recommend people do or incorporate throughout the day to become more mobile? And how is mobility different from say flexibility?

Anthony: Well one thing I am a big advocate of are mobility drills. Mobility drills are most people feel that they are those exercises old people do. Because you are basically just moving your joints in circular motions for example, just rolling your wrists around, or rolling your arms into your shoulder. These are mobility drills and what they do is they increase circulation of senovial fluid in your joints. Senovial fluid is basically your bodies natural lubricant. It’s like the grease that you put on door hinges. That’s our natural lubricant. When you’re doing mobility drills you are basically smoothing out adhesions that might be from old injuries. You’re removing waste products and I’ve seen, at some point I started experiencing a little bit of pain in my joints and I realized that first of all things change in your body as you reach your thirties. I’m thirty now. The moment I started doing mobility drills on a daily basis, I felt like I was twenty years old again. No pain, no nothing. That’s the reason I am a big advocate of mobility drills.

The difference with flexibility is that flexibility is sitting in a passive position, in a static position, and just stretching a muscle out. Mobility drills are basically using movement through your joints in order to get some movement in those joints and move those fluids that help them get healthier. A lot of people do stretches but we’ve nowadays realized that there are not a lot of benefits with stretching. It doesn’t help with warming up. Actually most studies show that they increase your risk of injury. If you do them as a warm up. They don’t even increase recovery rates so much. I’m not saying that stretching is bad but I still do stretching but the reason I do it is because it just calms me down. Late at night I might do some stretching. I like it it relaxes me. The feeling is just nuts, it’s sort of like scratching an itch in your body. That’s the main reason I use stretching. Nowadays not that much only just to chill a little bit.

Brett McKay: I stretch just because it feels good. I don’t stretch before I work out or after I work out. I do it when I’m watching TV just because it feels good, that’s about it. Hey, Anthony, this has been a fascinating conversation and I know we could get more into detail. Where can people learn more about your work?

Anthony: I’m pretty active on YouTube. I up load videos almost on a daily basis. On YouTube you can find me as Homemademuscles with and s. My website is homemademuscle with no s in the end dot com. Over there you can find everything else. My Facebook group. I also have an Instagram account but you can pretty much find everything else over there.

Brett McKay: Anthony, thank you so much for your time, it’s been a pleasure.

Anthony: Thank you so much as well. Have a great day.

Brett McKay: My guest today Anthony Arvanitakis. He’s the author of the book Homemade Muscle. All you need is a pull up bar and you can find that on Amazon dot com. You can also find out more information about Anthony’s work at

That wraps up another edition of the Art of Manliness podcast. For more manly tips and advice, make sure to check out the art of manliness at Art of If you enjoy this podcast, I would really appreciate it if you give us a review on Itunes or Stitcher and help get the word out about the podcast. As always, I appreciate your continued support and until next time I appreciate your continued support. This is Brett McKay, telling you to stay manly.

Loren C

Submitted by: Loren C in San Diego, CA, USA