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• Last updated: September 21, 2021

Start Your Day Off Right: The 15-Minute Bodyweight Workout

Vintage man in suit doing pushups in living room.

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Chad Howse.

Have you ever intended to work out in the afternoon or evening but didn’t get a chance to and were bummed that exercising that day was a wash?

Or maybe you have a tough time getting started in the morning and feel sluggish throughout your day.

Luckily, you don’t have to spend hours in the gym to experience the benefits of working out. And you don’t need any machines or weights either — you can get a great workout in your house or apartment.

I highly recommend that all men find time for a short bout of exercise first thing every morning. By starting your day with the 15-minute (or less) workout below, your body will release endorphins that promote brain function, and improve focus and creativity. You’re going to have a boost in energy, and also a boost in metabolism, helping you burn more fat throughout the rest of your work day. Making a short bodyweight workout part of your morning routine will have you heading into your day feeling at the top of your game.

Plus, by starting your day off with at least some physical activity, if you have to miss your gym session later on, at least you’ll have this workout under your belt. It’s a good feeling and guarantees that you’ve done something active and healthy each day.

15-Minute Morning Bodyweight Workout

Be sure to watch the video above to have the workout explained.

The Workout

A1. Single-Leg Squat

A2. Split Squat

2 sets of 12 of each

30-60 seconds rest

B1. Push-ups

B2. Skull Crushers

2 sets of 15+ of each

Rest: Plank 30-60 seconds


1. Perform the following workout upon rising, before you have anything to eat. Without an energy source (food) your body will be forced to look to your stored fats – body fat – for energy, helping you burn more of that unhealthy, testosterone-lowering fat in the process.

2. If you already do your main workout in the morning, sub this one in on days when you don’t have time to go to the gym or do your full regular workout. And maybe add it in after work to boost your fitness, and get you energized for going out at night. It also works as a great hotel workout when you’re on the road.

3. If you have a chin-up bar, or even dumbbells, use them. Ideally you want to be pulling more than you push, so by replacing your push-ups with chin-ups or a bent over row every other day, you’re going to have a good balance.

4. If you need to make the workout more difficult, try slowing the tempo of the eccentric contraction (the way down on the push-up, squat). You can also add different planes of tension (check out this video for an explanation).

5. After your morning workout, try this healthy breakfast:

  • 2-4 whole eggs
  • 1 cup assorted berries
  • 4 slices bacon (or turkey bacon)

Breakfast Benefits:

  • Having meat in your first meal will slow the rise of blood sugar, helping your energy levels slowly increase steadily throughout the day.
  • The good fats found in eggs help raise testosterone levels, and also promote healthy brain function.
  • Dark berries – like raspberries – are low on the glycemic index, they’re also high in healthy fiber. Raspberries have also been shown to lower cortisol levels (a stress hormone).


Chad Howse, author of the PowerHowse Challenge and founder of Chad Howse Fitness, is a former skinny guy and amateur boxer. Chad created his company to help men become their own hero. Check out Chad’s site: Be Legendary: Unconventional Tactics for Life, Fitness, & Work.



Submitted by: Chet in Wheatfield, IN