The straight punch is an effective blow to deal a fighting opponent. John L. Sullivan is on deck today to show you how to deliver this punch with dynamite power.
- Open opponent up with some high jabs and few fakes.
- End sequence with a job from your non-dominant hand so your dominant hand is ready to throw the straight punch.
- When your opponent drops his guard, you’re ready to throw your dynamite punch.
- Bring shoulder and jab hand back while simultaneously throwing the straight punch with your dominant hand.
- Don’t broadcast the punch; keep elbow in.
- Right knee points at left knee.
- Increase your punch’s power by pushing off back foot and twisting hips much like you would swing a baseball bat.
- Drives toes into ground like you’re squishing a bug.
- For maximum power don’t aim at your opponent’s face, but behind it.
- Punch straight out and straight back.
- Keep jab hand up to protect against any counters.
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Illustration by Ted Slampyak