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in: Featured, Fitness, Health & Fitness, Video

• Last updated: May 31, 2021

An Oldtime Strongman’s 15-Minute Morning Routine [VIDEO]

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Do you have a tough time getting going in the morning? Do you lumber out of bed and shuffle around in a fog? Try getting your morning off on the right foot, by implementing a short exercise routine that’s designed not to be strenuous and tiring, but simply to stimulate your system and get the blood pumping.

Such a quick, invigorating morning routine was described by oldtime strongman Adrian Peter Schmidt. In 1901 he published Illustrated Hints for Health and Strength for Busy People, which included a short get-up-and-go program to do each morning. The quick routine can be accomplished in 15 minutes or less, and doesn’t require any special equipment.

For your entertainment and edification, in this video I demonstrate and describe this routine, bare-chest, long-johns, and all.

For more detailed instructions on the routine and its individual exercises, check out this post.

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Filmed and edited by Jordan Crowder


Submitted by: Jonathan in Swansea