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in: Advice, Character

• Last updated: June 3, 2021

Motivational Posters: Founding Fathers Edition

Independence Day, the Fourth of July, is a week away for those of us in the United States. So we thought it would be most appropriate to make a “Founding Fathers” edition of our motivational posters series. We centered in on three of this illustrious group’s most influential men-George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. Not only did they produce great thinking on politics and government, they were also dispensers of truly sage wisdom about character and personal development. We gathered up some of their best and pithiest sayings and hope they inspire you to become a better man.

Benjamin Franklin's squander time quote motivational poster.

George Washington's good quality men quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's applause wait on success quote motivational poster.

George Washington's Debt quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Self Reliance quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Foresight quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Wealth quote motivational poster.

George Washington's Accountability quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Vigilance quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Humility quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Loyalty quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Temptation quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Chance quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Conviction quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Character quote motivational poster.

George Washington's Fortification quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Respect quote motivational poster.

George Washington's Meaning quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Life quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's action defines you quote motivational poster.

Ben Franklin's Diligence quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Sovereignty quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Priorities quote motivational poster.

Thomas Jefferson's Legacy quote motivational poster.

George Washington's seek truth quote motivational poster.

Benjamin Franklin's Vigor quote motivational poster.

George Washington's Charlatans quote motivational poster.

These men issued enough words of wisdom to fill several dozen posts. What’s your favorite Founding Father quote?

Check out all the motivational posters from AoM: 
Theodore Roosevelt Edition
George S. Patton Edition
Ernest Hemingway Edition
Winston Churchill Edition (Part I)
Winston Churchill Edition (Part II)
Black History Month Edition
Bear Bryant Edition
Founding Fathers Edition
Band of Brothers Edition
Business Posters from the 1920s and 1930s
